All our stainless steel cables are here.

You can also create your stainless steel cable by customising the diameter, the length and the crimping terminals here.

The key to choosing cable types is to accurately identify how it will be used and comparing it to the product specifications. The choice of options should include elasticity, trajectory and breaking load suitable with for chosen terminals. The design aspect can also be a selection criterion.

How to choose cable?

The choice of cable depends on the project, because the project influences the choice of rigidity: flexible, extra flexible, compact. (Cable technical specifications by clicking here)

The breaking and fatigue load must also be taken into account to choose the right diameter.

Questions to ask:

What strength do I need? => selection of a minimum diameter

How flexible a cable do I need?

- not flexible => the single strand (1*19) will be the best choice

- the cable will be slightly curved => the flexible (7*7) will fulfil this need

- the cable will be very curved => then the extra flexible construction (7*19) is required.

I have a dimensional constraint (hole in a post, ...) ?

I watch the dimensions of the swaged parts at the end of the cable, etc.

I have a look to respect?

I have a tight budget?

I carefully check the strength of the cable I need, I prefer to use our parts from the DESIGN line,I ask the Inox System team for advice...

How are they swaged?

You can watch our video showing diameter 12 cable being swaged here.

We have 4 motorised roller hydraulic crimping machines. This type of crimping guarantees the best quality and the best mechanical strength of a swaged cable.

These machines are regularly inspected and calibrated, and the dimensions obtained after crimping are checked according to the WIRETEKNIK charts, which are the reference in this field.

Breakage tests on a series of standard sling sare carried out to validate our process.

You can do your own crimping, if you have the right machine. Otherwise, don't risk it.

On the other hand, the DESIGN range of swageless terminals can be fitted easily and reliably using a hydraulic swage tool, which we can supply (contact us).

How to fix a stainless steel cable?

There are different methods to fix a stainless steel cable, here, for example, are several Assembly diagrams and the combination table.

"Cable - Threaded terminal"

terminaison filetée

combinaisons filetée

"Cable - Fork terminal"


combinaison chape

"Cable - dome terminal"


combinaison dome

Each part is presented in four different settings with different finishes..., intermediate posts or not, ...

Of course you can assemble other parts, these three are just examples.