We have been specialising in stainless steel cables and accessories since 1958. We provide our expertise in the field and our advice to help you realise your custom-made projects.
The turnbuckles and accessories from the design line, with their small dimensions, are mainly intended for interior design and architecture. They are recommended for assemblies where aesthetics take precedence over strength.
Thanks to their optimised dimensions, the cost price of these parts is interesting.
Mini, closed body turnbuckle (tensioner) fitted with a welded fixed fork and a crimp tip. Tensioner with a sleek "Design" for a more discreet look, specially designed for applications such as guardrail filling, decoration, interior design, etc. New cheaper "INOX SYSTEM" range.
Mini turnbuckle (tensioner) with closed body, equipped with a threaded rod and a crimped terminal. A sleek “Design” assembly for a discrete look. Main application: guardrail filling, stainless steel cables for interior decoration, etc. New cheaper "INOX SYSTEM" range.
Mini, closed body turnbuckle (tensioner) fitted with a welded fixed fork and a crimp tip. Sleek “design” for discreet effect. Made of 316 grade stainless steel (marine). Railing filling, architecture, decoration, ....
Lightweight design eye ("MINI" range) with left threaded tip. Made of 316 grade stainless steel only. Ideal for domestic applications (home equipment, DIY, etc.)
Mini turnbuckle (tensioner), "sleek" design, equipped with a threaded rod and a crimp terminal. Specially developed for decoration, design, architecture, etc. applications
Lightweight welded static fork ("Design" line) with right tapped terminal. 316 Grade stainless steel
“MINI” range machined fixed fork with 'left' threaded tip. Discreet look for design, furniture, DIY, etc., applications 316 grade stainless steel only
Lightweight machined fixed fork "Design" range, with left threaded end
Lightweight, machined fixed fork ("Miniature" range) with 'right pitch' threaded tip 316 grade stainless steel only.
Lightweight design eye ("mini" range) with 'right' threaded tip. Made 316 grade stainless steel only.
Lightweight "Design" range welded fixed fork with left tapped terminal
“Miniature” range fixed welded fork with left threaded tip. For common household applications, and all applications. Made of 316 grade stainless steel.
Lightweight, welded fixed fork ("Design" range) with 'right' threaded tip. Minimum space occupation compared to the boating range. Ideal for decoration, home furnishing, etc., applications
“Design” range, lightweight machined fixed with left threaded tip
Thin, short turnbuckle body for a more discreet and "design" effect. Made of 316 grade stainless steel (marine) only.